Creating ChatGPT Clone in Python

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Creating a ChatGPT Clone in Python

ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI. It is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a ChatGPT clone in Python. We will use the OpenAI API to access ChatGPT, and the Gradio library to create a web app that allows users to interact with the chatbot.


To follow this tutorial, you will need the following:

A Python 3 installation

The OpenAI API key

The Gradio library

Getting Started

First, we need to install the OpenAI API and Gradio libraries. We can do this using the following commands:

Code snippet

pip install openai

pip install gradio

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Next, we need to create a new Python file and import the necessary libraries. We will also need to create a variable to store our OpenAI API key.

Code snippet

import openai

import gradio


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Creating the ChatGPT Clone

Now, we can create the ChatGPT clone. We will use the following code:

Code snippet

def chat(prompt):

  response = openai.Completion.create(









  return response.choices[0].text

gradio.Interface(chat, inputs="text", outputs="text").launch()

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This code creates a function called chat that takes a prompt as input and returns a response from ChatGPT. We then use the gradio library to create a web app that allows users to interact with the chatbot.

Testing the ChatGPT Clone

Now, we can test our ChatGPT clone. We can do this by visiting the URL that is generated by the gradio.Interface function.

When we visit the URL, we will see a web app that allows us to enter a prompt and get a response from ChatGPT. For example, if we enter the prompt "What is the capital of France?", the chatbot will respond with "The capital of France is Paris."


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a ChatGPT clone in Python. We used the OpenAI API and the Gradio library to create a web app that allows users to interact with the chatbot.

The ChatGPT clone that we created is a simple example, but it can be used to create a variety of chatbots. For example, we could use the chatbot to provide customer service, answer questions, or generate creative content.

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